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Construction continues on the Iron Horse Trail Bicycle and Pedestrian Overcrossing at Bollinger Canyon Road.

Please exercise caution when traveling through the construction zone.

Iron Horse Trail Overcrossing at Bollinger Canyon Road Conceptual Design

The purpose of the Iron Horse Trail Overcrossings Project is:

  • To improve safety by eliminating conflicts between pedestrians/bicycles and vehicles;
  • Improve vehicular traffic flow by removing the at-grade crossings;
  • Eliminate unsafe crossing maneuvers by pedestrians and bicyclists,
  • Encourages pedestrian and bicycle usage along the Iron Horse Trail; and
  • Increase trail use by nearby schools by improving safety at the Bollinger Canyon Road and Crow Canyon Road crossings.

Project Schedule/Construction Updates

More information available for download:

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Please be sure to include your phone number so we can call you back if more information is needed.

Additional information can be found on the Contra Costa Transportation Authority's website, at: