Subject Streets
Cuts in the City’s pavements are subject to the City’s Pavement Cut Moratorium. The Moratorium Ordinance prohibits cuts in the City’s pavements where any of the following apply:
1) for any pavement with a very good to excellent condition as determined by having a Pavement Condition Index rating of 80 or above using the pavement rating system approved by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission;
2) for five (5) years after the completion date of public street construction or maintenance, including but not limited to an inlay, overlay, chip seal, reconstruction, or other similar maintenance; and
3) for three (3) years after the completion date of slurry seal coatings or micro-paving of the roadway surface. Utilities shall plan well enough in advance to determine alternate methods for making necessary repairs to avoid excavating in newly resurfaced public streets.
Exceptions may be allowed at the discretion of the Director when:
- Emergencies that endanger life, property, or public health and safety. In the event of an emergency, the person making an emergency use or encroachment shall apply for a written permit within 10 calendar days, beginning with the first business day the City offices open.
- Interruption of essential utility service. In the event of such interruption of service, the person claiming an exception to the Moratorium under this paragraph shall apply for a written permit within 10 calendar days, beginning with the first business day the City offices open.
- Work that is mandated by city, state, or federal legislation.
- Unforeseen circumstances where the financial burden outweighs the benefit to the public street infrastructure.
- Other situations deemed by the Director to be in the best interest of the general public.
Emergencies and other exceptions do not exempt the permittee from any requirements to repair the pavement as included herein or as conditions of approval of a permit.
Required Repairs
Repairs on Moratorium streets shall typically consist of the following:
- Inlaid, overlaid, or reconstructed roadway: All lanes that are affected shall be ground down two (2) inches and paved with two (2) inches of similar asphalt concrete material as the previous treatment to the satisfaction of the Director. Some roadways may require rubberized asphalt or other materials.
- Slurry sealed, chip sealed, or micro-surfaced streets: All lanes that are affected shall be resurfaced to the satisfaction of the Director with a treatment similar to what was previously utilized.
ORDINANCE 507 - Pavement Cut Moratorium (pdf version)
The full text of the Ordinance in the San Ramon Municipal Code can be found here.
Future Planning
Every year, the City prepares a 5-Year Plan of streets that it intends to undertake maintenance activities on. These streets are mapped on the City’s GIS system, as shown below. Planning now using this data will reduce the potential for expensive repairs associated with the Moratorium Ordinance or undesirable delays to be compliant with it. However, it should be noted that the Plan varies and is updated at least once a year. The actual pavement work undertaken depends on the budget, shifting priorities, accelerated pavement damage due to weather and other factors, costs of repairs, and other factors. Only the actual pavement repair work that is undertaken in the City will trigger the Moratorium, and differences between the planned work and the actual work conducted will not exclude a street from the Moratorium.