Pickleball Tournament
San Ramon Pickleball Mixed Doubles Tournament on Saturday, April 27, 2024, from 9:00am - 4:00pm at the Iron Horse Middle School Community Gymnasium (12601 Alcosta Blvd). When registering, you will be asked your team's level of play.
Doubles team sign up. $55 per team.
Register now for the Pickleball Tournament <<Registration Link>>
EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2023, a non-refundable 2.9% convenience fee ($2 minimum) will be charged per total credit card or debit transaction. You can pay by cash or check at the San Ramon Community Center or Alcosta Senior & Community Center and avoid the convenience fee (Mondays-Fridays from 8:30am-5:00pm).
Only ONE team member should register online and pay the $55 team fee. Please enter in your partners name and level of play in the prompt before you check out.
To ensure the tournaments are competitive and enjoyable for everyone participating, please be sure to choose the level of tournament play that fits your current skill level. Here are guidelines for the upcoming and future San Ramon Pickleball Tournaments:
Novice/Intermediate Players
- Demonstrates a broad knowledge of the rules of the game.
- Gets high majority of serves βinβ.
- Able to serve and return serve deep.
- Hits to the weak side of opponent often.
- Demonstrates more strategies of playing during games.
- Works better with partners in communicating, covering court, moving to net.
- With varying consistency executes: lobs, forehand/backhand ground strokes, overheads, net volleys, and sustained dinking
- Starting to use drop shots in order to get to the net
- Knows when to make some specific placed shots in the game
- Working on mixing up soft shots with power shots to create an advantage
- Hits fewer balls out of bounds or in the net
- Dinks mostly in opponents' kitchen and dinks lower over the net
- Able to sustain some dinking in the game
- Has a moderate number of unforced errors
Intermediate/Advanced Players
- Plays consistently in all phases of the game.
- Anticipates opponents shots resulting in good court position
- Primarily plays offensively
- Controls and places serves and return of serves to best advantage
- Puts strategy into play in the game
- Consistently varies shots to create a competitive advantage
- Works and moves well with partner β easily switches court positions when required
- Very comfortable playing at the non-volley zone. Works with partner to control the line, keeping opponents back and driving them off line.
- Blocks volleys directed at them
- Has good footwork and moves laterally, backward and forward with ease
- Uses strategy in dinking to get a put-away shot
- Consistently executes effective drop shots
- Demonstrates 3rd shot strategies: drop shot, lobs and fast paced ground strokes
- Hits a low number of unforced errors per game
For more information regarding Tournaments, please contact Josh Brown at (925) 973-3205 or Jbrown@sanramon.ca.gov