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Pending Housing Projects

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The following residential projects have been submitted to the City of San Ramon for review.

SB 330, adopted in 2019, resulted in a number of significant amendments to California’s housing laws, in particular the Housing Accountability Act. In addition to streamlining the public review process, the Housing Accountability Act establishes certain restrictions on the City’s discretion to deny or reduce the density of housing development projects that are consistent with adopted objective development standards.

In an effort to provide additional project feedback early in the process, City staff is posting new housing projects, once received, to this webpage.

As a follow up to this website posting, staff will schedule a Study Session with the Planning Commission that will allow the project Applicant to introduce their project. This Study Session is not intended to be a technical review, but rather an opportunity for early feedback to the applicant and staff. Anyone wishing to provide comments on the listed projects may email City staff at [email protected] or provide public comment at the Study Session.

 Please Note: The information provided on this webpage represents the basic application materials received by the City and has not been review for application completeness, technical compliance with development standards or compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

Current Applications

The following are current residential development applications under review by the City.  Click on the links below to access the project description, initial plans and additional information. Please note: the applicant may revise the plans as part of the subsequent review process.


1. Avalon Bay Apartments- BR-3A Residential Development Project


Project Application:(PHD 2024-0001, DP 2024-0001, AR 2024-0001, TRP 2024-0001; filed on January 11, 2024)

Location: 6200 Bollinger Canyon Road 

(APN: 213-133-102)

CityWalk Master Plan

General Plan Designation: Mixed Use City Center

Zoning: City Center Mixed Use



Planning Commission Study Session A study session was held, February 6, 2024
Application Completeness Determination Application deemed complete on February 8, 2024
Planning Commission Project Approval June 18, 2024

2. Laborer's Property Housing Project

Project Application:(PHD 2024-0002; filed on January 23, 2024)

Location: The Laborer’s Property, Westside Drive

(APN: 211-040-033)

Westside Specific Plan

General Plan Designation: Hillside Residential

Zoning: Open Space


Planning Commission Study Session TBD
Application Completeness Determination TBD
Consistency Determination TBD
View Consistency Determination Letter TBD
Public Hearing Agendas  TBD
Environmental Review Document(s) TBD


3. Woodside Canyon Townhome Project


Project Application: PHD 2024-0004, DP 2024-0002, MJ 2024-0001; ENVR 2024-0001; filed on June 28, 2024

 Location: 18 Crow Canyon Ct. (APN: 208-490-010)

San Ramon Village Specific Plan

General Plan Designation: Medium High Density Residential

 Zoning: Multiple Family Residential (MFR)

Planning Commission Study Session July 16, 2024
Application Completeness Determination
Consistency Determination TBD
View Consistency Determination Letter
Public Hearing Agendas  TBD
Environmental Review Document(s)


Housing Projects Not Requiring Discretionary Review (Subject to the Use By Right Process)

1. Deerwood and Omega Workforce Housing Community

Project Application:(PHD 2024-0001, DP 2024-0001, AR 2024-0001, TRP 2024-0001; filed on January 11, 2024)

Location: 2233 San Ramon Valley Boulevard

(APN: 208-260-036 & -052)

Village Center Mixed Use

General Plan Designation:  Village Center Mixed Use

Zoning: Village Center Mixed Use



Project Approval:  May 17, 2024


General Plan and Zoning Ordinance

In the State of California, every incorporated city has a General Plan: an outline of how the City wants to mature over time. Within the General Plan, every parcel of land within the city is designated for a specific type of land use with guiding and implementation policies.

Land Use is one of the Elements of a City’s General Plan that works in concert with the others: Housing, Circulation, Conservation, Open Space, Noise, Environmental Justice, Safety, Parks and Recreation and Air Quality. Click here to view the San Ramon General Plan and policies.

Zoning Ordinance regulations implement the General Plan land use designations and outline the allowable uses and the development standards for each type of land use. Click here to view the Zoning Ordinance.

Please email [email protected] for questions regarding this process, or the pending housing projects.