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San Ramon Climate Action Plan

On August 23, 2011, the City adopted the San Ramon Climate Action Plan (CAP) to address Climate Change locally and comply with the greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets associated with Assembly Bill 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006.

Click on the links below to download:

The CAP strategy is primarily based upon the land use, transportation, and conservation policies that are part of the General Plan 2030. The CAP demonstrates that through land use planning/density choices, reduction in vehicle miles traveled, and energy conservation measures such as increased energy efficiency for buildings, more efficient water use and recycling programs, the City can do its proportionate share to achieve the State greenhouse gas reduction targets.

Household Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator

Individual actions such as car pooling, water use reductions, home energy upgrades, recycling and use of solar power, among others, can collectively go a long way in addressing local GHG reduction targets improving the environment and maintaining San Ramon's quality of life.

If you are interested in tracking your own GHG reductions, a Household Carbon Footprint Calculator is available on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website by clicking here: Household Carbon Footprint Calculator

Qualified Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy

The CAP has been determined to be “Qualified Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy” as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District guidelines. As such, it serves as a guidance document for local decision makers and staff to ensure that future actions and land use decisions are also consistent with State and local greenhouse gas reduction goals as they relate to climate change and the California Environmental Quality Act.

Learn more about Climate Change at the EPA website: