What is a Rezoning?
Zoning divides land in a community into different areas or “zones.” Zoning regulates what type of uses can go into which zones. For example, housing goes in areas zoned for residential uses. If someone wants to do something not normally permitted in a particular zone, they can ask that the zoning regulations be changed. This is a rezoning application.
About Zoning
A goal of zoning is for neighboring land uses to be compatible with one another. Residential uses, for example, generally are not compatible with industrial uses.
Zoning regulations can also set building and other development standards. Examples include standards for building height, setbacks, parking areas, signage styles, and landscaping. Zoning regulations may also determine the density of a particular use (for example, 18 residential units per acre).
Sometimes certain kinds of uses in a zone are allowed, but only with restrictions and approval by the City. These types of uses are regulated in San Ramon through the "Use/Minor Use Permit" review process.
Application Information
Please contact the Planning Services Division at (925) 973-2560 to speak with a planner about specific submittal requirements, Application fees, and review timelines for a Rezoning Application. The application form and submittal requirements are provided below: