Have dog(s) properly licensed and tagged. License must be worn by any dog within the park or on public property, including City sidewalks, trials, and in any parks.
Have dog(s) properly vaccinated and current with their vaccinations.
Be with their dog(s) within the fenced area at all times, have the dog(s) under voice control at all times and carry the dog’s leash. Owners are responsible for dog(s) behavior.
Keep dog(s) in designated enclosed area when off leash. Dog(s) must be leashed before leaving the Dog Run per San Ramon Municipal Code, Section B5-27.
Do not use Park if your dog(s) is aggressive toward people or other dogs, anti-social, in heat, unruly or barks excessively. Aggressive dogs are NOT welcome in the Dog Park. If an owner’s dog begins to play too rough or shows signs of aggressive behavior, owner must immediately remove the dog(s). Dogs must be at least four months of age to use the park.
Respect the neighbors' privacy and right to a quiet neighborhood.